zondag 4 juli 2010

New buys

Below the amazing dress I told you about in my previous post. It was only 7 euros, can you believe it? I haven't tried it on yet, but I don't think it will be a bad buy. Besides, 7 euros, that's probably the cheapest dress I've ever bought haha!

Dress - Shelley's

I've got the brown-ish waistcoat from my mom as a thank you gift for helping her with her business last friday.

Waistcoat - Local market

Normally I won't show my panties here, obviously, but these ones were so adorable that you had to see them. Aren't they lovely?

Underpants - HEMA

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi there,

    Great blog! I really enjoy it.

    Please have a look at my blog too and if you like it, I hope you follow me ;-)

    Ps: I'll be having an amazing giveaway very soon to all my followers.

    See you soon.

  2. dus, we weten nu allemaal wat je draagt onder je leuke jurkjes?

  3. Thomas' droom is uitgekomen
