woensdag 29 september 2010

Army wifes

Over twee weken, op vrijdag 15 oktober om precies te zijn, staat mn eerste schoolfeest als eindexamenstudent op het programma. Het is, zoals genoemd, een van mijn laatste schoolfeesten als high school student, dus leek het mij en mijn vriendinnen leuk om helemaal 'in stijl' te komen. Aangezien het thema 'army' is, houdt dit in: kakigroene singlets, baggy jeans, military jackets, kistjes en doggytags. Dit gaf mij natuurlijk gelijk weer een reden om de online shop van de H&M onveilig te maken en een aantal setjes ter inspiratie te maken...

Alle kledingstukken komen van de H&M en zijn online te bestellen via www.hm.com

Wat zouden jullie dragen?


The last few weeks I found out to my own shame that I really have to force myself to update my blog. I don;t know why. Maybe it's the timetaking duty to make pictures, perhaps it's just because my heads full with schoolthings or there might be another reason, I don't know, but fact is that there weren't much posts lately. There are a couple of things that need to change. First I decided to get rid of the english talking and start expressing myself in my native language, which is Dutch. Second is that there need to be more outfits, if I'm up to it or not. They don't necessarily need to be outfit posts, they might be as well random posts like new fashion findings or even lifestyle things. It's time for (another) fresh, new start. I'm looking forward to it.

woensdag 1 september 2010

Quick one

I'm sooo sorry, I'm trying to update more. It's not that I haven't got enough time, I have plenty of it, it's just that it's a lot of efford to make pictures. That's the reason for the mobile phone-pic of today, I'm too lazy! Please forgive me, I'm hoping it will change soon!