donderdag 8 april 2010

Wrapped up

So tomorrow I have to do my French oral test, and I'm pretty nervous because last year I blacked out and failed, and my teacher said the only reason I didn't get the lowest note was because my pronounciation saved me. So this year it is a little bit stressful because I don;t want to fail again because I know I can do it, but it just doesn't come out the right way. But I studied and practised like hell and I pray to God that I'll survive tomorrow. Pensez-vous à moi demain matin, s'il vous-plaît! (And I tried to say think of me tomorrow afternoon, please! I hope my verbal capicity is a bit better than my written capacity hehe) Oh and I went shopping last tuesday and I really succeeded, especially at the Zara, which top I'm wearing today.

Top - Zara
Blazer - My Diva
Leather legging - Vila
Shoes - Amsterdam
Vest - Former scarf
And also wearing a red nail polish by Miss Sporty

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