dinsdag 30 maart 2010



I wanted to post this message earlier, but blogspot gave up on me so I couldn't uploaden any pictures. But hey, it's possible now, though a little bit later. My testweek is finally over! Last test was a listening test english and we only did half of the test because the other half was on another CD which our teacher didn't have (unfortunate us!). After the test I went to the town centre with my best friend to grab a drink and we stayed there the rest of the day just chatting, eating and drinking. It was so much fun. And I bought a H&M (surprise, surprise!) skirt with small flowers on it, so adorable but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it since I found out that I buy so much clothes I only wear once and then never again, and I'm afraid this dress will be one of that too. Oh now I got to get dressed and head to school, first lessons is gymnastics, best way to start a day (for real!).

Oh and I saw an article on theseams.blogspot.com where they made a vest out of a scarf and I tried it too and it is already my favorite garment piece now :-)

Vest - DIY
Blazer - My Diva
Blue tanktop - Sting
Striped top - H&M
Jeans legging - H&M
Grey boots - Amsterdam
Hat - Amsterdam
Jewellery - H&M

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