So here's the promised outfit post of today. This outfit contains a story actually, because all of the pieces are new (bought in the last two weeks) and the price of the total look is not even 50 euros. The pants, blouse and shoes were all ten euros, the black top was 7 euros and the necklace was 8 euro. The bracelet was a gift from my aunt, so that brings the total costs to 45 euros. Ain't that funny? It is kind of like my favorite hobby to get clothes as cheap as possible and make it look expensive. That's probably the reason why I'd rather go shopping at the end of the summer or at the end of the winter, because that's the time the SALE finally starts. And though I think H&M is mainly too commercial, it still remains my favorite store to shop. And yes, I hate it when I see a girl wearing the same dress or shoes, but I try to wear it as unique as possible (though it is nearly impossible with the H&M-clothing hehe. I once bought a dress in Portugal at H&M, four weeks later they sold them in Holland as well and suddenly EVERYONE had one. Bummer.).
But about today. Today I went for a drink with two of my closest friends. We had a lot of coffee, food, more coffee, more food and pie and some more coffee. It was so much fun, but wayyyy too much calories haha. Which made me think why we always bother so much about calories and getting thin. Imagine yourself being a boy, lying in bed with your girlfriend, waking up in the morning, grabbing her into your arms. What would you rather feel? A bag of bones or a lot of love to hold? And of course I must admit that I'm dieting as well when I feel I'm getting bigger, but we have to face reality: no one is perfect. If you actually were thinner, would that make you happier? Maybe it will for a while, but after then, you're getting tired of always thinking about the amount of calories you're eating or drinking and everytime you eat a delicious piece of the best chocolate pie in the world, you feel guilty because you feel it flowing to your hips immediatly. And though I am not saying we all should become grease and overweight, but we should not care so much about how we look. Be yourself and remember: the more you weight, the more of you there is to love :-)
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