zaterdag 29 mei 2010

Flowers equals summer

Sunny weather

This week the weather has been quite good. Yesterday I did some assignments for art, where we have to do something with photo's, and a friend took this shot.

Videolog Paolo Nutini in concert

I shot these video's myself, so the quality of sounds isn't that good, but good enough to hear how GOOOOD he was, gosh

Paolo Nutini - Pencil full of Lead

Paolo Nutini - These Streets

Paolo Nutini - Funky Cigarette

Paolo Nutini - New Shoes

Paolo Nutini - Bear me in Mind

Paolo Nutini - Tricks of the Trade


And yes, I really want ALL of this.

PAOLO, marry me please!

I went to Paolo Nutini's concert last wednesday. I'm seriously one of his biggest fans, and I really really wanted to take a picture with him. So before the show, my friend and I waited for one hour and a half at the artist entrance, but weren't able to take a picture with him. So after the show, we went back and waited for one hour and a half AGAIN. Finally, he came outside to take a picture with us and two other girls and oh gosh, I almost fainted. But it was perfect perfect perfect!!

Cut off

I'm sooo sorry for the lack of updates! Everytime I want to picture my outfits, but it's just not happening. And I'm a little bit fed up with the way I photograph my outfits, so shallow, so flat. I want to give it a more 'arty'-touch.. I don't know.. Untill then, I'll try to keep up posting outfits, clothes en music things!

And I'm sorry for the cut-off head...

Blazer - My Diva
Top - Market
Striped top - H&M
Jeans - H&M
Necklace - Koln
Shoes - H&M

dinsdag 11 mei 2010

The male legging

I found this picture on I think I missed out on the fact that leggings are even allowed to be worn by men. Is it just me, or are there more people out there who think this is just not how it's supposed to be?


Ohh can someone PLEASE donate me some money? Or give me the winning ticket at the lottery, really!

Adidas sports jacket


Overknee socks

Bathingsuit with zipper


"Balmain look" jacket

Top with holes

Squared blouse

Heart/polkadot tights

to be continued...

Jeans jacket

Hello all!
I'm sorry for the lack of outfit posts, I was just not inspired at all when I came back from Portugal because I needed to wear my winterclothing again instead of the short skirts and tops I wore in Portugal. Took a while to get used to that, but I got myself a jeans jacket which I was looking for since a long long time now, so thay will do for a couple of posts :-)

Beside the jacket, I also got myself a sharkteeth-necklace. I really like the jacket, but only in combination with a dress or skirt instead of denim over denim (you know, jeans jacket over a jeans, what seems to be totally 'hot' at this moment. I think it's ugly).

My new nailpolish! The color is Jade and I bought it at, of course, H&M

Last but not least: Those absolutely delicious pancakes I made today! Yummmm

I feel kind of ashamed to reveal the list of shops where I got my clothes from, because all it says is H&M, and that's so lame! but okay, I need to be honest ;-)

Dress: H&M
Jeans jacket: H&M
Legging: Sting
Shoes: Dolcis
Necklace: Pieces
Bracelets: H&M

vrijdag 7 mei 2010


I would die to have them, especially the yellow ones. And the pink ones. And okay, the blue ones too. Per-fect!


zaterdag 1 mei 2010

Back from Portugal

Yesterday I got back from Portugal. I had so much fun: visiting all those tiny villages, cheap shots, parties at the beach (including night swimming), couldn't be any better! Below a small impression about how my week was.